Duriyan Monthong Grafted plant

Rs. 1890.00   Rs. 1550.00

Key facts:-

Name: Duriyan Monthong

Common names: Durian Monthong

Plant character: grafted plant

Type: fruit tree

Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor

Temperature: 25°C to 30°C

Region and climate: Tropical and subtropical climate

Water: Regular

Sunlight: sunny or partial shade

Color: green to yellow 

Fruit season: Typically fruits between June and August

Stock : In Stock [50 Available]

SKU: IB0047

Category: Plants

Vendor: ibrahim

Potting mix:

40% Garden soil

30% Sand

20% organic fertiliser like compost/ dry cow dung/dry goat dung

10% born meal


Feed your plant every month with a organic fertilizers like compost, dry cow dung, dry goat dung, fish emulsion, leaf molds, vegetable waste etc. Fertilizers from organic matter not only supply essential nutrients to flowers or fruits, but they also improve soil tilth. Use DAP or NPK Fertilizers to promote blooming flowers and fruit formation.